Finding the ideal Running shoe and POTM check In
Hello. So, according to the very reputable source Twitter – yesterday was national have a bad Day Day. and good ol’ Run eat Repeat took that very seriously and crashed.
The POTM check in for Wednesday will be up and available until Friday!! update that post with your Wed workout and this post for Thursday. Ya feel me?
Мои самые текущие видео
5 минут прогрев
Быстрая разминка для бегунов. 5 -минутная прогрев перед выбезом. Как подготовиться к бегу. ideas for what to do before you run
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Podcast Recaps from Aug 6
In eating news… I used a packet of chocolate hazelnut butter to make my favorite easy oatmeal cookie. Do it do it. The original recipe was just one big cookie but I’ve been making two or three small ones.
I also found this picture and a bunch of other random ones from this weekend on my phone. They are so weird, but I can’t share much because my peeps would try to kill me. (Read: I’ll share them when I know they’re too busy to read.)
Also – Pizza Hut tweeted me. I feel fancy like eating pizza.
Me getting ready for Thanksgiving:
Finding the best Running shoe for You
Since I’m giving away 5 pairs of Mizuno running shoes this week I wanted to share some resources on how to find the ideal shoe for you. I really believe having the right shoes are crucial for running and avoiding injury.
My #1 idea is to go to a running shoe store and get sized, talk with someone about how much you run and have them check your gait. There are a lot of places that have treadmills and/or video options to enjoy you!
Then, choose the best shoe for you. If you don’t have access to that check out Mizuno’s shoe Finder…
Mizuno shoe Finder
If you already have a running shoe you dig you can use the switch from another brand option
Most of my runner pals wear the Mizuno Wave Rider which is a neutral, light but still supportive shoe. two of the best runners I know vow by this pair!!
If you need a little a lot more shoe and/or run long distance and don’t have best form the Wave inspire is a good option.
Pile on the Miles check in Thursday
Leave a comment on this post with your check in for Thursday! One person will win a pair of Mizuno Running shoes!!
(Leave a comment on Wednesday’s post with your Wednesday check in.)
I’ll announce winners Monday!
What’s your workout today?
Disclaimer: some of my favorite companies have donated prizes for pile on the Miles. Все мнения мои собственные.
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